Monday, May 28, 2012


Recently I was forward a beautiful picture of both my grandparents back in Chicago, holding hands attending my grandfathers 84th luncheon, and I thought to myself " how beautiful" . I automatically thought about my life, and where I want to be  30 years from now, blissful in love with my significant other, best friend, husband. I think anyone who has hopes and aspirations of being in a strong relationship, companionship wishes only for the best.

The thought of being in a relationship that's filled with miscommunication, misunderstandings, inconsistency, doubts, frustrations, untrustworthy, no foundation, or true friendship but only sexual connections will come to an end. I think for a woman, we're naturally emotional people, thinking logically when it is a matter of serious decision making in our lives. Who wants to be single for the rest of their life?? Of course their are millions of beautiful single men and women, who are terribly exhausted and have tried times and times again to see where love takes them, who threw in the towel and happily, independently  made or was forced to make the decision to just be free and single.  I've come to conclusion without taking care of yourself, and truly being in love with oneself, you cannot handle a heartbreak, and will continue to grow weak from someone you thought loved you. Giving your all in a relationship, and getting half in return, should  make one take a step back on where the path is heading.

You have people who have been in several relationships, or have dated many people in their life and still no true happiness or stability. The reason being is being open to what they believe love takes them, love can't take you anywhere if you haven't focused on yourself first.Same for people who stay in a relationship with the same person for many years, and the significant other has the cycle of bringing unhappiness in the home. Same thing!  Even if you have focused on all your personal goals, and still dead end relationships, their just NOT the One for YOU. sometimes its good to look back in a relationship and the steps you guys went through, how long did it take for you to become intimate? at times that doesn't even matter believe it or not! Ive heard differently wait 90 days  etc etc.. ladies : IF a man likes you, HE LIKES YOU. Its that simple. it could be the time you guys spent, never give a guy all of you when you FIRST date. Or it could be going great, and things just don't work out, that's life.Never disappoint yourself , YOU come first. your Heart needs fulfillment . No tears over and over again.

For  a Christian who reads this, Love is Christ, How is Christ?? GIVING, ATTENTIVE, ALWAYS THERE, LOYAL, never question if hes there. that's the beautiful thing about love at the end of the day we can go back and understand if that person didn't love you at least how Christ does, he/she is not the ONE.  No one loves us like Christ, however,  the attributes and characteristics of their heart can determine if  its unconditional and real. As human beings we're nothing but flesh, with plenty of emotions and designed to make mistakes. Its part of life. That's the beautiful thing, finding a person that will love you the best way they know how, unconditionally. Beautiful.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


There were times when I almost gave up and I've cried and said Lord it's too much. El Shaddai , He was there all the time by his grace he is keeping me alive - Here I am 

Some people are self- motivated, and some feed off  motivation from others.  I choose to surround myself in this time of my life with individuals who are growing in the word of God. Those who are on a level higher than myself, successfully where they need to be and content. It only allows me as a woman who at times battles her walk, motivate me to continue the path that I need to be in.

If you've been a consistent reader of my blogs, you understand that I express the love I have for Christ, the battles that any human being  face who desires to grow closer on their spiritual walk. I  believe that when God wants you to listen to him, he will do anything in his power to get your full attention.  " Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don't depend on your own understanding" ; " Don't depend on your own wisdom. Respect the Lord and refuse to do wrong, then your body will be healthy, and your bones will be strong."- Book of Proverbs.

Recently, I found out some amazing news, thrilled to know that the desires of one person came true. It made me recognize how powerful God is when you are obedient in his word, I understand and respect that many people I know, might have different beliefs, I understand that many people I know might take the time to  judge those who are sinners like themselves. I understand many people I know, may  not even be interested on where their life is presently at, or going. But the power of  Jesus Christ,  is power of all powers. For this I believe.

" Nothing compared with the greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Because of him, I have lost all those  THINGS- ( social status, materialistic things, people not fit in your life, etc any desire of flesh) and now I know they are worthless . This allows me to have Christ and to belong to him. " -Book of Philippians

Higher is where I continue to reach, I understand my light will not shine on people until I need to be where I'm chosen.

People in your life at times might not even really know you, and dislike you. Being misunderstood , possibly making accusations, assumptions on your character, when it has sincerely been presented to them, makes you recognize that  true fools do exist in the world.  " Fools will believe anything, but the wise think about what they do" , fools are rewarded with nothing but foolishness, but the wise are rewarded with knowledge."  - Book of Proverbs. I now take notice that the bible also reads  " Stay away from fools, because they cant teach you anything.- Proverbs 14: 7.  Some Friends May ruin you, but a real friend will be more loyal than a brother - Proverbs 18:24.

Personally for me, being accountable of my past, and the things that I stubbornly didn't do as a person, allowed me to only feel convicted of what I need to do, but with no action.This has made me concerned on why my growth hasn't been fully  fulfilled. The fact remains, that  whoever chooses to walk in the path to benefit their future bright, will seek Higher.

Peace and Love


Wednesday, May 2, 2012


You know we hear stories all the time,we see it on television , we read about it, we 've witnessed it,  have even experienced it, the ending of something that we hoped would last. Remember your first love? Remember what it really "felt" like?? Awesome right . Remember how it ended? terrible, or those who have  even married and divorced, when you walked down that aisle, and all the years of dating, loving, being strong, dreaming of a beautiful future, that ended with misunderstanding, hidden truths, lies, or even just simply grew to learn that they weren't the one for you.

Life is simply unexpected. that is the conclusion.We all plan, and set forth to do whatever we can to accomplish whatever we desire. We fall in and out of love. We get degrees while in college, and do something totally opposite once we go out in the "real world". We grow apart from friends, we never would imagine would not be present  in our lives. Fact remains, life is unexpected. The only thing we can expect is the fact we never really know how the ending will be, we have no control, power on what will be. We only can hope for the best, strive for the best, and learn from what we didn't believe might happen. When I contemplate on my life, I can say the things that happen in my past, only made me a stronger person. It allowed me to understand that things happen, people change. love is truly a used word, that only needs to be used very rare.  Love very is powerful, and when there is pain involved in a relationship, it's not love. I've recognized that some people come in your life, only for an experience. That jealousy is more common then I assumed. Hate is more easily consumed, and being a friend is a kind remarkable and careful thing to choose to be.

When we're young, we live life sometimes not making plans for the future, living life day by day, not always goal -oriented at times, and a tad indecisive . The older you get, you come to terms that life is what it truly is. .. unexpected.  Pray, Live right,  have a kind heart. And what is unexpected will be your true testimony

Peace and Love