Thursday, December 25, 2014


WOW . I've never  spoken publically through my blogs on how much I love AFRICA.

I've always loved any type of historical culture. History studies was one of my favorite courses growing up. I'm instantly intrigued on culture and languages. When I was about fourteen years old I remember my sister godmother was Spanish; who I still admire as an adult.She spoke Spanish   and made plantains all throughout my youth , At that moment I was in awe.

I believe people are divided. When God made earth he purposely created us to be different. which is awesome. Now that we have lived for centuries.. we do gain stereotypes, due to our actions. which in situations sadly is true.  However not every stereotype is currently accurate. Unfortunately, we live in a world that  makes their decision based only on stereotypes, and what their parents and elders say.

Thank GOD my family judge people on how they treat other people not on stereotypes, and  never once did my parents raise me to define people  based on
that. Now honestly, things we might witness are factual, which makes us DIVIDED. But other times is totally wrong.

The fact is educate yourself KEYWORD : YOURSELF. In college I spend a lot of time taking American/ and African studies. Fast forward to 2008 I was introduced to many cultures, not just Africa. What I learned? FAMILY. Naturally, I'm a family- oriented person, so instantly I was fascinated on how family is everything, even  if you're not blood - related. I loved that . I've made life long friends from Africa, my children are impacted and learn daily due to Africa.

I believe as an Black American parent you should teach your children about Africa. The world is a big place. Parents should allow their children to read books and analyze the truths on culture, religion and how people live . I believe Americans sometimes only live in a box sometimes, no pun attended, not allowing their children to open up their minds, until their off in college. Which in my opinion is  unhealthy mentally.Vice versa , other cultures and nationalities need to understand people from America. I've heard it all! Get to know someone, not every black woman is loud , aggressive, and bitter and a single uneducated parent. YES! I'm a divorce mother . But black American women are strong, and very independent , we do not put up with pain for too long, we rather do it ourselves. Same as African women, but I respect them because they are strong and beautifully unique physically and mentally. One of my closest friends is African and she defines just that! Africa. a place where its not just what people see in the commercials in America. Africa ...  a beautiful land.. A continent with great food music beautiful people, and I haven't kissed the land yet. But soon! Both of my grandfathers provided me wisdom from their trips from back in the day.

2015 :

Live, learn. and respect each other. Life will show you how beautiful we all are.

Peace and Love

Honest (UNEDITED ) My Random Honest confessions

You know..

I love to be brutally honest. Excited for my memoir  this summer 2015. I 've been told  many times  "don't be too  personal in my blogs.". but ... why not ? you know how many emails I receive from readers on BlogSpot, that inspire me ???? I don't write as much on here like I once did . I'm a mother first. I have to be inspired usually, there are two different writers : I'm the writer that has to be inspired or I'll get what they call " writers block."

I will be honest. 

I 've never "felt" alone. I've been confused; not alone. I've never EVER walked around with a  jealous SPIRIT.(FACTS). I've been hurt. I feel like healing is something I constantly have to deal with . I feel ..  when I was eleven years old if my parents didn't make the decision to have me undergo open heart surgery; I wouldn't be present in the body right now. I honestly feel the reason I love the way I love is  because my heart is repaired and it only knows real love. seriously!Being a mother to a teenager now. She's thirteen. Faith made me stronger. Jada, my ten year old made me even stronger. My divorce back in 2007 made me wiser. Which defines why I'm a writer of relationships and spiritual growth.

Honestly. I just realized a couple days ago I'm a very free spirited person in everything I do on a daily basis. I rather smile than frown. Depression is something I've experienced ; and I do believe all of us experience this symptom. I was delivered from that, and since I was a young girl I love to smile and be positive, even around people who spit on me mentally.. Honest.

Lets be honest. 2015 stop surrounding yourself or finding yourself around people that lie all the time. When you lie so much it becomes transparent and everyone can see you're "trying " to hard. love yourself. Great example: 2014 I realized social media has taken over in the worst way ever. How were you before social media? For those who were smart enough and have NO social media at all. I applaud you. we live in a culture that doesn't recognize their OWN CULTURE. scary! honest..   take sometime this year to focus on your spirit and goals.

Sincerely A honest working Progress

Peace and love readers


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Makeup (unedited )

I love to learn,  excited for anything or anyone that I connect with.  I learn from it someway or another..

2014 .  wow... welcome 2015. I always get excited about the new year. I conquered; we all conquered our tests if you're able to read this. fact you already know about  me : I worship no one but Jesus Christ; I believe in Christ. I believe that he died for me and was risen. My spiritually world is based on those beliefs. I expressed that to say : I believe that everything we see in people, and everything that we might go through as a " whole" due to our choices, also the tests we are given can help us become what we NEED TO BE. The character of a person can be abstracted and contradicting;" all over the place" but not who they really are. Its like makeup.

 Everything that might appear that is true and honest sometimes ..isn't. So when people tell me I might have trust issues, I wouldn't call that trust issues. My father, who raised me to have standards, compassion and be yourself; also taught me not to trust people but God. OF COURSE I trust people to an extent. I trust a few people with my inspirations and goals. We all know a few people that we've  known for a very long time  that choose to  discuss our business and talked down about us. Once you understand the mind of a human being, once you realize people come and go, once you understand your support system is very small you will recognize people might not like you but God will always love you! .life is usually  way more PEACEFUL!

 I'm  making this part up : but I assume 60% of the people you associate yourself  might not really have your  best interest. Why do you think once a celebrity becomes famous usually their not around the same people when they were at the bottom?? struggling to get known ? people change! on both ends. I'm almost thirty- four years old , what I love about life  it keeps going in a positive light if we choose that path! I don't judge people.  Maybe that is why I have friends from all nationalities. I allow people to be who they are, and like them for who they are inside. This blog is from the heart. I know people I respect associate themselves with individuals who souls are not in place, might not even like me.. I laugh. Because I live by this: even  if I'm no longer speaking to someone from my past I never throw dirt  on speak on how  malicious and evil one once was. Secrets of the truth I take that to my grave; just how I operate!For the past eight  years of my life; I thank God sincerely for the gift of discernment. The gift of intuition. I take friendships and relationships seriously .I keep only a few close.

Makeup.. wipe it off..( men too ).  be yourself ,  stop trying to impress people who don't even cut you a check.

Peace and LOVE

Sunday, July 27, 2014


I'm thoroughly enjoying this journey called life, having clarity and being in the presence of just being alone.Recognizing and perfecting my gifts.

We need to take care of ourselves... More. not just physically but all aspects. 2015 will be here less than six months. All the money in the world, or even the benefit of reminding others through pictures or quotes on  a daily basis does not define our real life truths . I've experienced so much since my last blog December 2013, fascinated on the thinking of humankind. Learning more each day on acceptance, inner peace, and the politics of this place we call America. Taking the initiative to achieve what has been postponed for quite sometime, watching my two daughters grow and achieve greatness in their most challenging years as a young queen.

 All this might not make any sense but its pure simplicity. Happiness within itself. I will not title myself as a " Motivational writer" . that title has been gone for quite some time, I reference myself   just as a growing child of God, who just happens to write .An example for my children,  misunderstood at times, mysterious yet open passionate woman.  There are thousands of motivators, many writers, many speakers, I'm just Me. Do not  title me as a motivational writer, my book will be online/in stores with just a simple title : Young Soul; because I'm just like any other person who seeks and desires to gain a humble success and peace.

When Dr. Maya Angelou passed this summer, I  reflected on how she impacted my life as a young writer. My first cover on a newspaper was at the tender age of 14, at that age I also had the privilege to  hear Dr. Angelou speak, at that time she recited her poem Phenomenal Woman. Which became a poem I gradually began to study, and recite at family events. At that moment I knew I wanted to be far from ordinary. I always wanted to excel in being a passionate writer, a lover of the arts and  music. When I carried both of my daughters in my womb I made sure I read out loud to them, placed headphones around my belly cultivating significance at that moment. My whole life has been about my family and the love of  growing . . Traveling , being in the moment growing and maturing. the goal I have in the next years for myself and daughters is to continue doing just that. 

King and Queens : Be in the moment. be fascinated on LIFE  not people. LOVE who you're becoming. Understand the most empty people might have degrees, money, and still  no inner PEACE. Are you happy? can you take time to focus on your passion without distractions? Start the month of August 2014 without distractions.

Be Art.  Be Complexed

Peace MB