Tuesday, May 31, 2011

TSURT.. Backwards or forwards, I still Dont

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I have quite an issue.. don't we all? Either people suffer from depression, loneliness, security, battle their faith, some kind of addiction. EVERYONE has something that their working On. I'm working on Trust, well not really. I 've made assumptions due to lack of trust, I have totally ended relationships due to my observation and patterns of an individual. My biggest turn off is an insecure person, who  takes their insecurities and covers up with what I call - fake happiness. When All they really need to do, is recognize their insecurities, and try to build up their happiness within themselves by simply using all the tools to make a
healthy lifestyle. Trust is a word - Not an option for me and another person. Of course, you might read this and say " well miya you have to trust someone to an extent ". TRUE! but If I provided my stories of unloyalty, it will only bring tears as I write and share my blog with you beautiful people. My father told me years ago. Trust No One. I'm sure he meant just be careful daughter, be wise with decisions and people. Don't give your All to one person and trust they will always be there. Trust only in God. I shall continue to do this, I don't believe it will block any blessings simply because I'm quite a friendly person. I'm just smarter than One Might Perceive. .But I'm grateful for those that I can say I trust.. to an extent. ...


I truly think I cried my last Cry.. ummm last week sometime ! No No seriously, I'm only human. I'm only a woman. My focus is driven, the only person who honestly can relate to my dreams, inspirations, goals is Teneale. When we speak its random conversations, our deepest desires, eye to eye, vision to vision. Ill never forget when we met at the bus station in Los Angeles, both great writers, I was a younger writer, teneale more advanced. When I think back about where I am now artistically , I'm more driven, but maybe because I'm getting older, not sure what it is. Spontaneously I'm ready to venture out, I'm honestly ready to move out of Texas. I'm patiently waiting for whatever that is presented to me, that is just for me. The direction I'm taking is strictly by Faith. Faith and a vision. I clearly see it, than ever before. But I'm standing still.Not even knowing what the direction I should take, or when I will take it. Its summer 2011, I have accomplished little within the past two years honestly. Selfishly being so involved with your desires, is a Great thing, when you are focused on your paths, blocking people, dismissing negativity, even allowing yourself to break from  certain things, people and situations.

I have been blessed to have many friends from all over. different visions, different lifestyles. The closest people to my heart are my motivators. I seek God for preparation, I also seek guidance by my mother. Every night I've had dreams I remember, raising two growing girls, I have to lead by example. Its not as hard as one might say, Being a mother, is hard but enjoyable.They watch my every move, ask several  questions. When I look in the mirror I tend to recognize that growth and happiness is still unfulfilled fully. I have always been a very confident secure woman, being raised by a woman who instilled that in me, I have never question myself, and humbly have a great personality. I now understand that's why people love to be around me. I'm not rich, I'm not materialistic, arrogant, self centered, insecure, lost. I'm just Miya. I pray that God uses me, I'm  optimistic on my near future, I do fear on what lies ahead. I believe in myself.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Im The Magnificent

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I havent blogged in a while. So let me enlighten you with a new blog . yay! I pray everyone is well,
healthy and focused on your true desires. Im truly inspired these days by music strictly on early 90s. inspired by faith and jada of course, and the fact their getting older, truly motivates me as a person. Im extra excited what this summer/fall  2011 brings for my family and I. I recently found out I will become a new Aunt. weddings, travels, and good opportunites this whole summer. Positive positive and more positivity influences me, also allows me to live a stress free life. how we think, is how we act.
Instead of being negative, and stress or even entertain negative people. I vent about it to close
family members and friends, and let it go. Im not blinded by certain actions of people. Im only deaf
too it. I see you, but dont hear you. "me dont speak no english." I feel all strong individuals should treat anyone that is negative like this. Pray for them, and keep it movin.
This whole month of May, I have been driven,  and quite aggresive on preparing for my whole summer. Overwhelmed at times, by whats in front of me. I find I work well under pressure.Ive also been hurt, and in awe still of the people Ive lost  this past year.
By the way, Dating sucks. Remember my last blog?? well all my blogs speak on relationships. I already know , but now I really UNDERSTAND i get bored very quickly.Attraction is a big plus for me. Attraction not just physically. conversation, motivation. some Drive. I find many single men, mentality umm somewhat of  21 year old... Im like man  I could of stayed with my EX!

I live in Dallas, Texas. ( No Disrespect )Quite rare you find yourself dating someone, who doesnt know someone you know. TURN OFF. All in all, satisfaction in ALL areas has to be met. Did I mention Im NOT picky? Im not " thirsty" defining seeking for attention, insecure, moneyhungry, or low self esteem. Im fit more of the definition of  " knowing what she needs." If I was any of these characteristics I could easily be with someone, and unhappy. " I just choose  not
to settle for less. Having a boyfriend would be wonderful, trust me Im not rushing for that. ME ME AND ME. ALL ABOUT ME.me equal faith and jada. me equal growing and manifesting. me equal spiritually enrichment , me equal meaning financially making Great money  and Doing More. Me equal being MAGNIFICENT.