Thursday, October 18, 2012


My desires
My prayers
To share my love with the king that was built for me.
No time or energy to jive me with lies
I need someone with the winning prize
Full of complicity, honor and respect
Teach me what I might not know or understand
Lead me your direction
Take my hand

Wholeheartedly just be a real Man
Love me for me
and not just part-time but full-time
Full of commitment, loyalty, and dignity
Doesn't try to change but
Enlightens me with his intellect
Full of warmth and spiritual guidance
Prays not only at night
But first thing in the morning

Provider, protector, and hard worker
Not wanting to suffer but  focus on successful goals
His main focus is us being whole

Expresses his thoughts clearly and his vision is real
True love is what he only prays for
A queen is what he desires
When he looks at me I'm the only one he admires

Miya Brown

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Fact is. I really Don't have the energy to be sad, upset, or worried. about anything. I have exhausted all those emotions that people feel. the only emotion I have is curiosity,happiness, excitement. People desire so much from one person, that may not even be right for them.Without focusing on themselves first.

I have shared this so many times in most of my blogs, Never give up on finding love, wanting to be truly admired and desired by someone who loves all your flaws and all.  If  they cant take you for who you are, they don't deserve you. If you have standards,and refuse to settle for less, it will make relationships easier.Conflicts will not become a daily issue.Tough times do occur being a woman especially when failed relationships seems like it's a never ending story- love lost, no fairy-tale future with the man of your dreams. Make sure he is the man of your Prayers, not your Dreams!

I have concluded, working on self is the answer, and always will be. Focusing on what God wants for you, instead of what you want for yourself, makes life more smoother. If a man loves you, he will respect you. If a man loves you, he will show you everyday, If a man loves you he will cater to you, If a man loves you, he will pray with you, If a man loves you he will tell you, If a man loves you, he will put you second before God, If a man loves you he will always be honest, and make sure that he lifts you up. If a  man truly loves you he will never disrespect who you are as woman. Ever. 

If a woman loves you, she will make sure she respects you. Make sure you have all you need at home, will show loyalty, comfort you in the time of need, and understand she can never change who you are! We hear stories in this time of age, that it is very rare these days to find someone who truly adores you. I disagree, everyone has their time, everything happens for a reason in your life. If you're single, it's a blessing to only focus on yourself and love the people already in your life. Those that are in a unhappy marriage, or relationship do what makes you happy. Use your intuition to make better decisions for your mind, body and soul. Understand not everyone has standards, and self respect, not everyone loves themselves wholeheartedly so they "stick" around and live life miserable and no fulfillment in their life. Be Happy!!!!!!!

Life is too short. Make life on earth lessons learned, but most importantly an experience and happy ending. - 


Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Life is short. Or is it? Life gives us enough time to live our destiny, lead by example and conquer all fears. Life gives us enough time to do what we want, but more importantly gives us time to do what is needed.

Sometimes Life doesn’t. Young children that pass away at a very earlier age, you would think that they should live on earth way longer, but it doesn’t happen often this way. I have contemplated, and gathered my thoughts. I truly believe we ‘re only put on this earth to shine a light on others. Especially those who die young, their purpose was just to shine that special light.

Even those who don’ t see old age, I believe there is a reason for everything we do in life.
Life is controlled by the most high, and the situations that occur that can be heartbroken is a lesson for those still alive on earth. Reminding us. That earth is of flesh, and things will happen that are not always happy moments, and happy endings. Trust in him, and know who God is and the ending results will not be a deep sorrow or turmoil.

The people that have came in and out my life, the many faces I have had the pleasure to know, I am attached to a human being that serves and loves everyone around them.

I’m in awe of a beautiful being that defines leadership, is active in their community and loves their family. I truly believe a person like this is made for heaven, and is simply an angel walking. Makes me whole, and makes everyone around them just to do better in life. I will never forget the few people in my life that I wholeheartedly adore, admire and respect. -

I pray God uses me to become this Godly woman that leads by example every day of my life. I pray that he continues to use me so I am that virtuous woman and wife. What I seek most above all, that I lead people to Christ and I am blessed with a Godly nurturing and gentle husband that motivates me to do what is needed while I’m on this earth. What he does only discipline, obedience can bring. What he does, makes everyday seem like spring. Understanding all that he is worth. Making sure our time is precious on this earth. Loving unconditionally, mentally and emotionally. What he does.. rare men can do. For this I say Thank you. –

Peace and love MB

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Oneself, a poem

                                       *Bonus Blog* -- thank you and you're welcome enjoy

This has happen quite often, finding oneself . by himself. I'm not sure what God sometimes try to express , completely clueless.Wanting the love from a significant other to love one fully, everyday. Which seems like impossible. It always concludes of  a bottle half filled.

Dark nights, quiet moments. Fears, procrastination, loneliness in some aspect. Details of someone wanting to understand why it turns out like this .Clueless of the facts that are hidden somewhere. Beneath it all, he sheds a tear. Trying to gather life's understandings, destination of only a dream that is full of light, blue skies, and contentment.

Just standing. Praying. All gifts exhausted, and days of giving up. Weeks of doubt, and weeks of  trying to never giving up.Only wanting to be completely understood, surrounded by those who care for him. Full of life, laughs, adventure and not one day of a bore. Going through the hills, mountains, trails and tribulations, but still not completely satisfied --- still going "through " the hills and mountains.

Desire of a family, growth of a womb for her, beaches, sand and smiles. Success, humbleness, being united - She and I against the world. But still Spreading love, Christ- filled centered home. Youthful smiles, embracing what life has to offer, plane rides, big buildings, gated home, art, music,  and conversation.

Finding himself. by himself.  He wakes up.

Peace and Love


Monday, May 28, 2012


Recently I was forward a beautiful picture of both my grandparents back in Chicago, holding hands attending my grandfathers 84th luncheon, and I thought to myself " how beautiful" . I automatically thought about my life, and where I want to be  30 years from now, blissful in love with my significant other, best friend, husband. I think anyone who has hopes and aspirations of being in a strong relationship, companionship wishes only for the best.

The thought of being in a relationship that's filled with miscommunication, misunderstandings, inconsistency, doubts, frustrations, untrustworthy, no foundation, or true friendship but only sexual connections will come to an end. I think for a woman, we're naturally emotional people, thinking logically when it is a matter of serious decision making in our lives. Who wants to be single for the rest of their life?? Of course their are millions of beautiful single men and women, who are terribly exhausted and have tried times and times again to see where love takes them, who threw in the towel and happily, independently  made or was forced to make the decision to just be free and single.  I've come to conclusion without taking care of yourself, and truly being in love with oneself, you cannot handle a heartbreak, and will continue to grow weak from someone you thought loved you. Giving your all in a relationship, and getting half in return, should  make one take a step back on where the path is heading.

You have people who have been in several relationships, or have dated many people in their life and still no true happiness or stability. The reason being is being open to what they believe love takes them, love can't take you anywhere if you haven't focused on yourself first.Same for people who stay in a relationship with the same person for many years, and the significant other has the cycle of bringing unhappiness in the home. Same thing!  Even if you have focused on all your personal goals, and still dead end relationships, their just NOT the One for YOU. sometimes its good to look back in a relationship and the steps you guys went through, how long did it take for you to become intimate? at times that doesn't even matter believe it or not! Ive heard differently wait 90 days  etc etc.. ladies : IF a man likes you, HE LIKES YOU. Its that simple. it could be the time you guys spent, never give a guy all of you when you FIRST date. Or it could be going great, and things just don't work out, that's life.Never disappoint yourself , YOU come first. your Heart needs fulfillment . No tears over and over again.

For  a Christian who reads this, Love is Christ, How is Christ?? GIVING, ATTENTIVE, ALWAYS THERE, LOYAL, never question if hes there. that's the beautiful thing about love at the end of the day we can go back and understand if that person didn't love you at least how Christ does, he/she is not the ONE.  No one loves us like Christ, however,  the attributes and characteristics of their heart can determine if  its unconditional and real. As human beings we're nothing but flesh, with plenty of emotions and designed to make mistakes. Its part of life. That's the beautiful thing, finding a person that will love you the best way they know how, unconditionally. Beautiful.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


There were times when I almost gave up and I've cried and said Lord it's too much. El Shaddai , He was there all the time by his grace he is keeping me alive - Here I am 

Some people are self- motivated, and some feed off  motivation from others.  I choose to surround myself in this time of my life with individuals who are growing in the word of God. Those who are on a level higher than myself, successfully where they need to be and content. It only allows me as a woman who at times battles her walk, motivate me to continue the path that I need to be in.

If you've been a consistent reader of my blogs, you understand that I express the love I have for Christ, the battles that any human being  face who desires to grow closer on their spiritual walk. I  believe that when God wants you to listen to him, he will do anything in his power to get your full attention.  " Trust the Lord with all your heart, and don't depend on your own understanding" ; " Don't depend on your own wisdom. Respect the Lord and refuse to do wrong, then your body will be healthy, and your bones will be strong."- Book of Proverbs.

Recently, I found out some amazing news, thrilled to know that the desires of one person came true. It made me recognize how powerful God is when you are obedient in his word, I understand and respect that many people I know, might have different beliefs, I understand that many people I know might take the time to  judge those who are sinners like themselves. I understand many people I know, may  not even be interested on where their life is presently at, or going. But the power of  Jesus Christ,  is power of all powers. For this I believe.

" Nothing compared with the greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Because of him, I have lost all those  THINGS- ( social status, materialistic things, people not fit in your life, etc any desire of flesh) and now I know they are worthless . This allows me to have Christ and to belong to him. " -Book of Philippians

Higher is where I continue to reach, I understand my light will not shine on people until I need to be where I'm chosen.

People in your life at times might not even really know you, and dislike you. Being misunderstood , possibly making accusations, assumptions on your character, when it has sincerely been presented to them, makes you recognize that  true fools do exist in the world.  " Fools will believe anything, but the wise think about what they do" , fools are rewarded with nothing but foolishness, but the wise are rewarded with knowledge."  - Book of Proverbs. I now take notice that the bible also reads  " Stay away from fools, because they cant teach you anything.- Proverbs 14: 7.  Some Friends May ruin you, but a real friend will be more loyal than a brother - Proverbs 18:24.

Personally for me, being accountable of my past, and the things that I stubbornly didn't do as a person, allowed me to only feel convicted of what I need to do, but with no action.This has made me concerned on why my growth hasn't been fully  fulfilled. The fact remains, that  whoever chooses to walk in the path to benefit their future bright, will seek Higher.

Peace and Love


Wednesday, May 2, 2012


You know we hear stories all the time,we see it on television , we read about it, we 've witnessed it,  have even experienced it, the ending of something that we hoped would last. Remember your first love? Remember what it really "felt" like?? Awesome right . Remember how it ended? terrible, or those who have  even married and divorced, when you walked down that aisle, and all the years of dating, loving, being strong, dreaming of a beautiful future, that ended with misunderstanding, hidden truths, lies, or even just simply grew to learn that they weren't the one for you.

Life is simply unexpected. that is the conclusion.We all plan, and set forth to do whatever we can to accomplish whatever we desire. We fall in and out of love. We get degrees while in college, and do something totally opposite once we go out in the "real world". We grow apart from friends, we never would imagine would not be present  in our lives. Fact remains, life is unexpected. The only thing we can expect is the fact we never really know how the ending will be, we have no control, power on what will be. We only can hope for the best, strive for the best, and learn from what we didn't believe might happen. When I contemplate on my life, I can say the things that happen in my past, only made me a stronger person. It allowed me to understand that things happen, people change. love is truly a used word, that only needs to be used very rare.  Love very is powerful, and when there is pain involved in a relationship, it's not love. I've recognized that some people come in your life, only for an experience. That jealousy is more common then I assumed. Hate is more easily consumed, and being a friend is a kind remarkable and careful thing to choose to be.

When we're young, we live life sometimes not making plans for the future, living life day by day, not always goal -oriented at times, and a tad indecisive . The older you get, you come to terms that life is what it truly is. .. unexpected.  Pray, Live right,  have a kind heart. And what is unexpected will be your true testimony

Peace and Love


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Moi Me

Hypocrites always want to play innocent
Always want to take it to the full out extent
Always want to make it seem like good intent
Never want to face it when it's time for punishment
I know that you don't wanna hear my opinion
But there come many paths and you must choose one
And if you don't change then the rain soon come
See you might win some but you just lost one  - Lauryn Hill

Its Not good to be Alone. However Its good to be Smart on your path. Family is the most important part of my life. If you don't have any family, a special person should always be in your life, One to console to, cry with, and laugh with.
The beautiful thing about life is you learn how to really grow . For me its over times, years  I have recognized that company is less, and more being self conscious, careful actions, self motivation,  yourSELF , MySELF. just doing what YOU need , without to many voices, opinions, judgements, conversations,  few friendships yet lasting True Ones. Many beautiful souls, walk this path very fine, and have for some time. The reality is, many people want  that "attention" that special i guess "security "? ...

I  love the fact I honestly love me. I  have my own personal demons like every human being on earth has that we fight or choose not to battle. All my pain, struggles, accomplishments, deep thoughts,  unanswered questions - no one cares but God. truly understands but God. Why fight a battle with any other human that has battles like you? All  we can do is pray for them, and be there as "much as we can" . 24/7 Listener, when at times, I have my own pity party who wants to really hear that??  not flesh.  which makes the most high so powerful. 

We live this earth striving  mainly to be successful financially. having a family perhaps? or just being the typical person working and focusing on what we have been trained in our minds to want, sometimes those without any real spiritual connection.  It's a blessing to be a blessing while we're here living .. breathing, its a blessing you have someone to talk too, study his word, refresh your mind, soul and sincere questionable thoughts.

Loving Moi, Loving Me  Unable to direct your own paths, but Able to understand you were created to just be You.I'm created to just be Moi.

Peace and love MB

Monday, April 2, 2012


Sorry readers!! I know I know what took me so long to write a new blog .. I had writers block, usually when I write, 90 percent of the time, Its heavy on my mind, sometimes Its all of a sudden "thoughts" and I just start writing , it depends, but this time.. I was thinking " Ive shared all my thoughts, opinions, aspirations in my blogs, what's left to express?"

 Some blogs that are shared  online from writers, are daily entertainment, activities, etc.. I always want my blogs specifically be what I truly want to share !! I can be at home, at dinner, in the shower and then so many things run through my mind... this time I was blocked with words and feelings.

I pray all is well with everyone, music is the key that helps me do my thing, I had to play Kanye West Through The Wire. yessss enjoy :)
I had a nice spa day about a month ago, I was lucky to get a great massage  from a very God-fearing woman, most likely in her mid or late 50's. Right when she saw me she embraced me with a very gentle kind spirit. During my massage, she quickly noticed how stress I was. She said something that I will never forget. " Ms. Brown, you know worrying is a sin. ". I laid there and was thinking wow this is true!!!! Not wanting to go into detail on my personal life, I did tell her I was just trying to put some things in my life in perspective, and handling some "stuff" in my life .She told me " I don't know you but you seem to have a beautiful spirit trust God and don't worry".
I left there, understanding she was just being sincere, and worrying truly doesn't get you far, what I also understand that things take time, and maybe not on our watch.The amazing thing about life, is that we can always start over, and make things better for our own sake, for our sanity! Let it flow. Peace of mind depends upon strength of mind.
Staying calm through the storm , will make you not only stronger, but immediately you understand that there is someone bigger than YOU. I believe people fail to realize, and sometimes doubt how powerful the most high is, without him I will completely  lose my mind. That's the only reason I'm still standing. I've never doubt that he wasn't fully in control, I have failed many times to do things my way, and being stubborn saying" I got this". When reality is.. I had nothing. What I've gathered we all need to exercise our grace, or Satan will exercise our corruption.- that's Real 

Peace and Love 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Every Woman Wants A Man That ...

Every woman wants a man that is good to her ..for her.
I believe every woman deserves that one man that is crazy over her, loves when she walks in a room, when  her presence is not near him he feels apart of him is gone, when she speaks. he listens. You hear love stories, we've all seen that one love story movie, that ends with bliss and happy endings. Some never dream as a young girl to get married , or even have kids, others do.But at the end of the day a woman truly wants the companionship of someone who just.. really cares.

I've shared in a few of my blogs, how many of us have feared  "love"  due to a  bitter past, love lost, difficult relationships, or even upbringing. Searching for Mr. Wrong is never the goal, yet we use that for our comfort. Fact is, sometimes we don't even know what we want, or insecure on what we know we actually deserve. Mr. Right is always the man at the end of the day, that will have happiness and true love, the one person you purposely treated like he was nothing but another man on the street. Mr Right is the one person, you never had any thoughts of taking seriously, knowing he was a good man, respectful, easy to talk to, caring, attentive, fun, educated, and goal - oriented.

Mr. Right is now laughing at you.

Every person deserves that one individual ,whom you will never have to question motives, respects you wholeheartedly, and would never leave your side. Prayer is powerful, and Real Love conquers all.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Finding the right song for this particular blog didn't take me long at all.. one of my favorite artist Amel , - amazing. Her music expresses what I personally feel, all of her lyrics she writes on her own -simply magnificent.

Patience is a test. A TEST- for your mind, mentally. Patience is waiting without worrying, Patience strengthens the spirit, sweetens the temper, subdues the pride, and bridles the tongue. Patience is something I try not to get weary of. I need to use, I need to gain it,  I am.

We all fear something, we're all wanting something. But the bible reads " fear no man but God." it also reminds us " patience is a virtue".  Young or old, we want to make sure we get what we want! Only flesh would be that selfish in spirit at times, to be so inpatient.  Truth is learning that it's not all about us at times, will remind us that we have no authority on when things in life happen. Either it be, waiting on financial gain, success, a wife/ husband, a house, in school for higher education. Reality is you have to keep doing what you're doing to reach the goal. Shortcuts are fantasies that can happen but always ends with a sad shoulda -coulda ending.  Maintaining a focus mind, manifesting to become whatever you're wanting to BE, or achieve will allow you to learn what patience is. Challenging storms, difficult roads, unfortunate situations, all are suppose to happen in life. Life is not all fun, happiness, and a smile. It takes a strong individual to conquer all the downfalls to get what they really want, which is .. satisfaction. One that is satisfied will understand it takes alot of patience, and be complete once they have recognize that true fulfillment  takes plenty of guidance, discipline and not ALWAYS getting what they want.. its Life. be content.

Peace and Love

Monday, February 27, 2012


 I like fire, I like ice 
I can cut you like a knife 
But I'd rather be nice 
I'm a woman 

So don't push and don't shove 
What you want there's plenty of 
I was born to make love 
I'm a woman - Minnie Riperton 

Beauty defines a Woman. A woman should define Beauty inside and out, the way we walk, talk, smile, touch,  move. Emotionally designed to fall in love, and be in love, and fall out of love. How  beautiful is that? :)

When a woman is in love, it's like walking blind, even if the path is smooth sailing, we're deaf to others, and blinded by LOVE. so sweet right.. those tumbling blocks ,we get right back up after FALLING from Love.. that's usually how it goes.  Using our pains, heartaches, past to better ourselves for our "next " relationship, that we say " we won't take seriously. " Its a beautiful thing however, when we find the person that makes us feel special, feel whole, appreciated, loved, and completely  crazy over you  in a very good way. It's a special time, when  our daily lives consist of being content with that one person. No one else, just you and that One person. ..Woman are natural caretakers, we love wholeheartedly, when we see our match, we do our best to satisfy. that's usually how it happens.

The lessons learned in being a woman, is being more careful, more wiser. Taking steps so we don't end up hurt. The best way to feel complete as a woman is loving and trusting yourself. Once we trust and love ourselves fully, accomplishing longevity of just being with the "right " person, and happy, will come in due time. Patience is a virtue, but it's quite amazing when we have the most high on our side, spiritually depending on him for any closure  from a rocky past, besides the tears from our pillows we've all used at night, when things aren't going right... the beauty of it all, is being a woman. Getting back up and starting over, with a healthy mind, and great opportunities. Understanding Love is God. Love will come.

Peace and Love


Thursday, February 23, 2012


I dislike a few things, seldom do I just " hate" things or someOne.
Hate :  to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward
I understand now, that once you go through a storm in life, or lose someone dear to you, the things and people you titled a " big deal ", now seem so small.  Nothing to get angry about, you just recognize it, and brush ya shoulders off. I dislike a few things, corrupted government, devil, selfishness, manipulation, any type of evil - spirited human being that walks on earth, and those that danger and hurt children. sexually, mentally, emotionally. Anyone who physically harms their family members.

The challenges in life can make us feel hatred, become bitter, unforgiving, unloyal, unhappy. The healing of being abused, hurt, treated unfair can lead one to do things that will make them regret certain actions that might arise. Instead of being angry personally in my life over the things that shouldn't happen that did happen. For people that came in my life, just to do their best to ruin it, I don't hate them. I just pray for them, dismiss them. Motives equal to consequences. That is why I choose to always be positive. My outcome in my mind : always winning. always gaining. always loving.Always honest. always forgiving never forgetting. 

The best way to stay away from Hate, is to love. Profoundly acting above others, with powerful energy, a connection with anyone you interact with. Beliefs that attract others. A smile that is genuine. As human beings, we all make mistakes, as human beings we all are sinners. The magnificent outcome - we don't have to be like everyone else. 

Peace and love 


Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Hellooooooo Guys! I know I expressed that I would Not do another blog until March, but i couldn't resist!!I pray all is well with everyone!!

Every year I have committed celebrating my Birthday in a BIG way, due to a commitment I made to myself   around 5 years ago. Acknowledging how I've overcame things in my life, and celebrating the life I have now.

2-26 is my Birthday. I will once again be among close family and friends.I'm very excited. A nice birthday party on a Saturday a week before my actual birthday, and an  intimate brunch the next day. I will be 31 years young.

This will also be my last " big " celebration, I've been doing this since my late twenties. 31- this is it. I have now committed myself, to travel every year on my birthday. Calling this an "  Intimate Birthday getaway" .  A different city every year, either by myself, with my daughters,  with a friend/ or my significant other. It's been so much fun having beautiful people come celebrate the day I was born. With cake, gifts, dancing, smiles. I will miss that, ready to end it in a huge way !

Peace and Love


Peace and Love

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why Does Your Body Ignore, What Your Mind Says

90% of the women I know, Beautiful and Single. 90% of the women I know. Are independent and 100% of women I know, all been hurt before.

Women make the world go round. Women are the strongest creatures on earth. Besides  lions, tigers and bears. .. We  have the mental and physical strength to endure a lot of pain.
 We have  the power for all choices we make with the opposite sex. Geesh .. being a woman is a lot of Work!! All we desire is a good mate. Stability in a relationship, Lots and lots of LOVE!! The main woman who expresses the opposite desires, usually the main one truly scorn. We fall so deeply infatuated with the physical attributes of a man, sometimes for sexual and “company “ desires, company meaning someone to talk to- good conversation nothing more nothing less , nothing serious we tell ourselves, no time for love, it’s just what it is a good friend. We fall so deep emotionally with a man and tell ourselves,  "He is the one, no question about it." .. and get hurt later on.
Statistics have stated, 70% of  African American women are single and 42% not married.  Personally I recognize there many women from all races single and not married. I believe African American women,  make choices at an early age, early twenties or even younger in their lives to be in the company of a man. In college or not, we love hard. We tend to try our hardest “ stick it out” with our significant other. Our focus is never fully on us. We ‘re either taking care of kids, that we had  along the way, or  trying to create a happy home, when reality is we’re trying to create something or someone  that is not for us.  This has lead for many African American women, to finally  become their own leader. Have an attitude that has been hurt before, tired, and stressed. Now all women not just Black women, have an” I can do it all by myself” attitude. It’s more like “ I have no time for BS, and don’t waste my time “ attitude.
God created a woman to be the loving wife, the caring mother, the person that holds her home together. Man and Woman are one. When we disrespect ourselves, our bodies as women we are accountable for that, we have the power in every relationship. We have allowed a man to control on the actions that are taken, when the truth is WE as WOMEN have the power to control the actions that SHOULD be taken. We make decisions who we marry,  to go on that date,  allow him in your home,  kiss you, hug you, call you, and love you. Women are Leaders in their own right.
 Abusive relationships, verbal relationships, even cheating relationships, as women we see the signs way before it gets ugly, we have women intuition, we ignore it due to being emotional and very blinded by what we think is love. Sometimes we don’t see the signs until years later, but we have the power to leave something so wrong, so unhealthy, so not for us.
I’ve met women who totally use their body for fulfillment of sex only all the time , with different partners, and no stable relationship, and their OK with this. People always say every woman is not made to be in a relationship. That’s a total lie in my ears, for the simple fact it goes back in time how and why we were created. The woman who does that is a true lost soul, and is yearning for someone, in need of something to make her live. Live independently, live freely.To make independent and wise decisions, to love herself wholeheartedly, love her mind, body and spirit, for she is beautiful. She’s a prize possession.

A true Queen.
Judge not, we all have failed in being destined to becoming a true virtuous woman

Peace and Love –  ALL my Queens


Monday, January 16, 2012

That Was Refreshing

Ahhhhhh it’s like finally drinking a full glass of ice cold water, on a very hot Day.  My blogs have focused on insecurities, and self –worth. I’ve accomplished by expressing this in so many ways in my stories. Glad you’ve enjoyed reading, happy you understood, and content that its closure. From all my obstacles, hurt, pain, struggles,  high moments,  and crazy spontaneous episodes in my life.  I’m fully satisfied.
  I ‘m excited for my new adventure, my  nights to share more on what life brings, the reality of people and the motivation on what is to come. More blogs, total different topics. Enlightening,  yet encouraging, sensitive, and real. Honest and truth. Dedication and facts. No nonsense no bore. Just reality. That is simply.. Refreshing.

Peace and Love.
God bless YOU .


Thursday, January 12, 2012


When you do things, do not let selfishness or pride be your guide. Instead, be humble and give more honor to others than yourselves. Do not be interested only in your own life, but be interested in the lives of others. – the greatest book written Philippians 2: 3-4

Shame. Shame on those..  For acting like a total SHAM. Every writer has a way of writing, Every artist have a way of expressing. So apology not needed, this is who I am. This is how I am. I share topics of motivation, I share topics that help me deal with situations, I share topics that are real  life events, I share topics that allows someone from another country to  consistently daily read my blogs, receive emails from those who have been suicidal, lost, or unhappy, I help them get through their storm. For that Im grateful.

I’ve shared this so many times I’m sure if you follow me on any of my social networking pages, you've read my vents.  Everyone notices  those lack of... Shall I say of security? Worth? Motivation? Love? 

We've all been surrounded by certain types of human beings that present themselves and act a certain way, that leads to questionable motives, etc. . I can sit here and say I’m perfect, no issues, and no problems at all. I would be lying. The fact is I know my flaws, I'm daily working on them. 

Manipulative people are the most wicked souls, anytime you're around an individual for what they can do for you, how much money they gain, or just for temporary purposes that have no sincere reasoning, that's  a manipulative selfish human being. Anytime you notice that everyone you consider yourself socially interactive  with, talk about their own peers behind their back daily all the time, but smile and hang out with them daily you’re a manipulative selfish human being, and of course those who follow and never lead, just lost. Or in general have motives for actions they take. .Some of my choices and actions haven't always been smart., from the people I’ve hung out with or considered a good friend, or even when I dated and it wasn’t serious. But at the end of the day,  I recognize what is best for me. Especially for women, and we wonder why the HIV rate is so high in America. Listen to the songs that are being played, no respect. Because people don’t respect themselves.

People will live a lifestyle they know they can’t afford, to cover up the fact their completely unhappy and try to satisfy everyone by their fake lifestyle. It’s called a Sham. False advertisement, not genuine, not real. FAKE. Even relationships you’re in a relationship that is wrong. Not real, either it be an intimate “ so- called” committed relationship, or even a fake friendship. People choose to socialize with certain individuals for a reason, and at times surround themselves with people they don’t even trust. SHAM.
Do ME a favor either it be a friendship, or even a relationship.  Surround yourself with Positive. Happy. Focused. Sincere. Loving People. Simple. . even if you’re not religious read the best book ever written, if you’re not prayerful, start praying for those in your life, and even out of it. If you’re not content, learn to be grateful. If you’re not successful, claim to be, and allow God to bring the right people on your level or above to motivate you. Nothing saddens me to read, talk to someone that has a good heart, but walk an evil path. I’m blessed beyond measure. My life has given me the opportunity to simply live and learn. And live and LOVE
Because God has given me a special gift, I have something to say to everyone among you. So not think you are better than you are. You must decide what you really are by the amount of faith God has given you. Each one of us has a body with many parts, and these parts belong to all the other parts. We all have different gifts, each of which came because of the grace God gave us. The person who has the gift of prophecy should use that gift in agreement with the faith. Anyone who has the gift of serving should serve. Anyone who has the gift to teach should teach. Whoever has the gift of encouraging other should encourage. Whoever has the gift  of giving to others should give freely. Anyone who has the gift of being a leader should try hard when he leads. Whoever has the gift of showing mercy to others should do so with joy. Your LOVE must be REAL. HATE what is EVIL. And HOLD on to what is GOOD.  Romans 3:9.

Peace and Love